Lately, I’ve been tinkering around in Photoshop to create blog headers for this site. It’s a teeny bit addictive and I’ve gone a little polka dot crazy, so I’ve created a couple of free blog headers which you can download and use for your own blog, website or background for your Twitter / Facebook pages. To create these, I manipulated a vintage frame image from The Graphics Fairy and created the polka dot patterns in Photoshop.
Free Blog Headers – Polka Dots and Vintage Frames
If you’d like to use either of these free blog headers for your own personal use (not commercial – please contact me if you’re from a company), just click on one of the images and save it to your computer. You can open the files up in a program such as Photoshop, Illustrator or Gimp and resize to fit the size of your blog or web header area. (I’ve sized them at 960px by 260px).
You can add your blog or website name in the frame area. If you use any of these, all I ask is that you please consider linking back to this site! If you need help with any changes to the files, let me know and I’d be happy to help.
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