Lately, I’ve been putting some time and energy into another website, called Beadworthy. It’s been up and running for a few weeks now and the response I’ve received so far has been very positive, so I thought I should probably mention it!
Beadworthy is a pinterest style website which aims to promote the works of talented bead and jewellery artists all around the world (for free). At the same time, it’s designed in such a way that beading enthusiasts can use it for inspiration – basically they can drool over the amazing jewellery pieces on there and then use what they see to inspire their own jewellery projects.
Why did I set up Beadworthy?
Well, if you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you’ll know that beading is one of my favourite crafty things to do. I’m not an expert by any means and I often scour the web looking for inspiration and tutorials myself. I love Pinterest because it’s easy to search and find visual inspiration on there. The only problem with Pinterest though, is that pins are often repinned a million times! So I keep on seeing the same stuff! Or I seem to find projects that I like the look of only to realise that they are years old and the original website where it came from has already died a death.
Because of those reasons, I set up Beadworthy – to satisfy my own craving for fresh new jewellery-making ideas and this will most likely serve the same purpose for others too. I try to feature creations that are fairly recent and those can be from bead blogs, Etsy or any other source where jewellery artists promote their work.
The added bonus is that I can offer free promotion to talented jewellery artists. However, this isn’t a site where anyone can advertise their latest creation. The standard is HIGH! Each feature aims to showcase the skills of the artist who made it and I try to add different types of jewellery making projects all the time. Fresh content is added most days… wish I could say the same for this blog!
Although I’m very happy to hunt for amazing beading and jewellery projects, I also welcome submissions from jewellery artists (subject to a set of criteria). More information about the submissions process can be found here.
So, without further ado, please head on over to Beadworthy to check it out!
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