It was our daughter’s 6th birthday last weekend and my husband (who is most certainly the baker in our family) made this amazing cake for her. Our daughter absolutely loves The Good Dinosaur film, so she asked specifically for a dinosaur cake this year. And let me tell you, it tasted as good as it looks!
The inside of the cake is simply two slices of sponge cake filled with lime green buttercream. For the outside, my husband used fondant icing in green, peach, black and white colours. The “mud” base was melted chocolate which he left to harden in the fridge.
The amazing cake design itself is courtesy of The Icing Artist – we followed this step by step tutorial on YouTube. Laurie, the lady behind The Icing Artist is very talented at cake decorating and she explains exactly what to do to make this dinosaur so realistic and so good!
The hardest part of decorating the cake, according to my husband, was creating “Spot”, the little character sitting alongside the dinosaur. Creating the hair and fringed skirt for Spot was no mean feat! Check out the definition on Spot’s torso, hands and feet and he also has a little belly button hidden away under that skirt too!
As you can imagine, our daughter was thrilled to bits with this cake, as were all her friends (and ours too!).
Fancy making this yourself? Do check out Laurie’s tutorial that I linked to above.
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*Above images are the copyright of Craftaholique.
This post was linked up at The Pin Junkie.
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